<%- # Bootstrap manifest to pull in environment variable configuration. def enabled?(var, default=false) if ENV.key?(var) ENV[var] == "true" else default end end tmpfs = ENV["TMPFS"] || "/tmp" basic_auth_file = File.join(tmpfs, "/auth/htpasswd") cacerts_file = File.join(tmpfs, "/identity/ca/cacerts.pem") client_cert_file = File.join(tmpfs, "/identity/client/certificates/client.pem") client_key_file = File.join(tmpfs, "/identity/client/keys/client-key.pem") -%> version: v1 removes: - /etc/rsyslog.conf - /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf <%- if ENV["DRAIN_MODE"] == "proxy" || ENV["DRAIN_MODE"] == "challenge" -%> - /etc/nginx/*.conf - /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf <%- end -%> templates: - input: /config/templates/rsyslog/rsyslog.conf output: /etc/rsyslog.conf - input: /config/templates/rsyslog/outputs.conf.erb output: /etc/rsyslog.d/05-outputs.conf - input: /config/templates/rsyslog/drain.conf.erb output: /etc/rsyslog.d/10-drain.conf - input: /config/templates/identity/cacerts.pem.erb output: <%= cacerts_file %> - input: /config/templates/identity/client.pem.erb output: <%= client_cert_file %> - input: /config/templates/identity/client-key.pem.erb output: <%= client_key_file %> <%- if enabled?("DRAIN_BASIC_AUTH", false) -%> - input: /config/templates/auth/htpasswd.erb output: <%= basic_auth_file %> <%- end -%> <%- if ENV["DRAIN_MODE"] == "proxy" -%> - input: /config/templates/nginx/nginx.conf.erb output: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf - input: /config/templates/nginx/proxy.conf.erb output: /etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf <%- end -%> <%- if ENV["DRAIN_MODE"] == "challenge" -%> - input: /config/templates/nginx/fastly/nginx.conf.erb output: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf - input: /config/templates/nginx/fastly/challenge.conf.erb output: /etc/nginx/conf.d/challenge.conf <%- end -%> - input: /config/templates/rsyslog/syslog.conf.erb output: /etc/rsyslog.d/10-syslog.conf data: _pki: cacert: <%= cacerts_file %> client: cert: <%= client_cert_file %> key: <%= client_key_file %> _funnel: host: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL"] || "ajna-api.salesforce.com" %> port: 443 scheme: https metrics_request_timeout_ms: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_METRICS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS"] || ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS"] || 3000 %> dnr_request_timeout_ms: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_DNR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS"] || ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS"] || 3000 %> <%- if ENV.key?("ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_LOGS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS") || ENV.key?("ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS") -%> logs_request_timeout_ms: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_LOGS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS"] || ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS"] %> <%- end -%> request_resume_interval_secs: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_REQUEST_RESUME_INTERVAL_SECS"] || 1 %> request_resume_interval_max_secs: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_REQUEST_RESUME_INTERVAL_MAX_SECS"] || 30 %> _funnel_logs: host: <%= ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL_LOGS"] || ENV["ENDPOINT_FUNNEL"] || "ajna-api.salesforce.com" %> port: 443 scheme: https api: <%= ENV["FUNNEL_LOGS_API"] || "logs" %> # Set restpath, content_type, batch_format based on `api` setting <%- if ENV["FUNNEL_LOGS_API"] == "data" -%> <%- topic_namespace = ENV["FUNNEL_LOGS_TOPIC_NAMESPACE"] || "sfdc.prod.rsyslog" -%> <%- topic_name = ENV["FUNNEL_LOGS_TOPIC_NAME"] || "logs.general" -%> rest_path: <%= "v1/data/namespaces/#{topic_namespace}/topics/#{topic_name}" %> http_content_type: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json batch_format: kafkarest <%- else -%> rest_path: v1/logs/v1 http_content_type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v1+json batch_format: jsonarray <%- end-%> heroku: app_name: "<%= ENV["HEROKU_APP_NAME"] || "-" %>" app_id: "<%= ENV["HEROKU_APP_ID"] %>" short_region: "<%= ENV["SHORT_REGION"] || "-" %>" dyno: "<%= ENV["DYNO"] || "-" %>" release_version: "<%= ENV["HEROKU_RELEASE_VERSION"] %>" log_drain: # Build metadata. version: "<%= ENV["DRAIN_VERSION"] %>" build: "<%= ENV["DRAIN_BUILD"] %>" # Enable debug mode. debug: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_DEBUG") %> # Publish logs to Funnel. publish_logs: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS", true) %> # Publish enabled metrics to Funnel. publish_metrics: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_PUBLISH_METRICS", true) %> # Parse Heroku dyno runtime-metrics and addon log-based metrics. runtime_metrics: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_RUNTIME_METRICS", true) %> # Parse Heroku router logs into metrics. router_metrics: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_ROUTER_METRICS", true) %> # Enable internal self-metrics. self_metrics: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_SELF_METRICS", true) %> # Serving port. port: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PORT"] || ENV["PORT"] || 5000 %> <%- if enabled?("DRAIN_BASIC_AUTH", false) -%> # Basic Authentication. basic_auth_file: <%= basic_auth_file %> <%- end -%> # Set base environment for this drain environment: "<%= ENV["DRAIN_DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT"] || "-" %>" # Set base cloud value for this drain cloud: "<%= ENV["DRAIN_DEFAULT_CLOUD"] || "-" %>" # Set base cloud value for this drain business_unit: <%= ENV["DRAIN_DEFAULT_BUSINESS_UNIT"] || "Heroku" %> # UUID for this Drain. uuid: <%= ENV["DRAIN_UUID"] %> disable_flow_control: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_DISABLE_FLOW_CONTROL", false) %> # Impstats reporting interval. stats_interval_seconds: 60 # Main ruleset queue sizes. input_queue_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_QUEUE_SIZE"] || 250000 %> # output queue sizes. output_queue_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE"] || 125000 %> <%- if enabled?("ENABLE_DISK_ASSISTED_QUEUE", false) -%> # enable disk assisted queue queue_filename: <%= ENV["DRAIN_QUEUE_FILENAME"] || "rs_drain_queue" %> queue_spool_directory: <%= ENV["DRAIN_QUEUE_SPOOL_DIRECTORY"] || "/tmp" %> queue_max_file_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_QUEUE_MAX_FILE_SIZE"] || "32m" %> <%- if ENV.key?("DRAIN_QUEUE_HIGH_WATERMARK") -%> queue_high_watermark: <%= ENV["DRAIN_QUEUE_HIGH_WATERMARK"] %> <%- end -%> <%- if ENV.key?("DRAIN_QUEUE_LOW_WATERMARK") -%> queue_low_watermark: <%= ENV["DRAIN_QUEUE_LOW_WATERMARK"] %> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> # workers > 1 does not appear to have any appreciable effect. logs_batch_worker_threads: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_BATCH_WORKER_THREADS"] || 1 %> # Use system default <%- if ENV.key?("DRAIN_PUBLISH_INPUT_LOGS_BATCH_SIZE") || ENV.key?("DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_BATCH_SIZE") -%> logs_input_batch_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_INPUT_LOGS_BATCH_SIZE"] || ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_BATCH_SIZE"] %> <%- end -%> <%- if ENV.key?("DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE") -%> logs_output_batch_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE"] %> <%- end -%> logs_output_min_batch_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_OUTPUT_MIN_BATCH_SIZE"] || 0 %> logs_batch_size: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE"] || 1024 %> <%- if enabled?("ENABLE_MULTI_THREAD_OMHTTP", false) -%> logs_use_sender_thread: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_USE_MULTI_THREAD", false) %> logs_sender_max_connections: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_SENDER_MAX_CONNECTIONS"] || 2 %> <%- end -%> # Buffer up to 10MB by default. Funnel accepts up to 25MB batches. logs_batch_max_bytes: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_BATCH_MAX_BYTES"] || 10000000 %> # Use defaults for timeout values, which work well queues are slowed down logs_batch_timeout_ms: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PUBLISH_LOGS_BATCH_TIMEOUT_MS"] || 1000 %> # The "http_*" fields correspond to imhttp/civetweb HTTP options. # Reference https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/docs/UserManual.md # Heroku router logs access requests too, no need to log twice. http_access_log_file: <%= ENV["DRAIN_HTTP_ACCESS_LOG_FILE"] || "/dev/null" %> http_error_log_file: <%= ENV["DRAIN_HTTP_ACCESS_LOG_FILE"] || "/dev/stderr" %> http_num_threads: <%= ENV["DRAIN_HTTP_NUM_THREADS"] || 50 %> http_listen_backlog: <%= ENV["DRAIN_HTTP_LISTEN_BACKLOG"] || 32 %> http_connection_queue: <%= ENV["DRAIN_HTTP_CONNECTION_QUEUE"] || 16 %> # Document root used to serve received logs for testing abd debugging. http_document_root: /www/data # DNR (Detection n' Response) filtering. filter_dnr_logs: <%= enabled?("DRAIN_FILTER_DNR_LOGS", false) %> filter_dnr_logs_expression: <%= ENV["DRAIN_FILTER_DNR_LOGS_EXPRESSION"] || "" %> # In proxy mode, allow nginx to log locally. syslog_udp_port: 10514 <%- if ENV["DRAIN_MODE"] == "proxy" -%> proxy: port: <%= ENV["PORT"] || 5001 %> drain_port: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PORT"] || 5000 %> mirror_resolver: <%= ENV["MIRROR_RESOLVER"] || "" %> # Reference https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/monitoring/logging/ # Can also be a file, e.g. /dev/null <%- if enabled?("DRAIN_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG", false) -%> access_log: syslog:server=,facility=local7,tag=nginx,severity=info <%- else -%> access_log: /dev/null <%- end -%> error_log: syslog:server= <%- end -%> <%- if ENV["DRAIN_MODE"] == "challenge" -%> challenge: port: <%= ENV["PORT"] || 5001 %> drain_port: <%= ENV["DRAIN_PORT"] || 5000 %> response: <%= ENV["DRAIN_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE"] ? ENV["DRAIN_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE"] : "*" %> access_log: /dev/null error_log: /dev/null <%- end -%>